How to Write a First Draft in 14 Days
If you're curious to see what the process of writing a first draft looks like, check out this liveblog from author/editor Vince Font.

Creative Writing Prompts
It came to me one windblown, sleepless night—not the secret of the ages, but the answer to a question I had never known to ask—as cold lips

How to Become a Better Writer
If you want to be a successful writer, you have to be a damn good writer. And if you want to be a damn good writer, you can’t be a damn lazy

Brownies, Books, and Egos: Bookstores vs. Online Sales
As an author, your ultimate goal is to sell books. But will being on the shelf of a big retailer like Barnes & Noble actually help you a

Self-Publishing Tips: White Paper, Or Cream?
A book's interior design is critical. Choosing between white paper and cream paper is one of the most important decisions you will make

How and Why to Outline Your Book
I heard a statistic recently that said only one percent of people who set out to write a book actually finish. I’m not sure how accurate tha

Writing Your First Book: Where to Begin
The most important thing when writing a book is making sure you actually finish it. This requires preparation. Here are some important book

How to Get Your Self-Published Book into a Bookstore
Every author wants to see their book in a bookstore. But is it hard to do, especially if you're self-published? Not if you follow these